Within Estonia, in the foreseeable future, the green turn means the shift of energy production from east to west, from land to sea, and from oilshell to wind.
Kaja Kallas
Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia
Onshore and offshore wind farms and solar panel complexes are fast and affordable solutions in Estonian conditions.
Tarmo Soomere, Ülo Niinemets, Tiina Randma-Liiv and Jaak Järv
By 2050, for example, we must increase the capacity of offshore wind farms by twenty times.
Kadri Simson
European Commissioner for Energy
Total capacity of Estonian wind farms MW
Tuuleparkide kogutoodang 2023 GWh
Number of wind turbines in Estonia
Pool ehk 51% Eesti taastuvelektri tootmisvõimsusest moodustavad elektrituulikud
Wind energy is reliable, affordable and clean energy.
The winner of the auction for Saare 2.1 sea area has been revealed
The Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA) announces that the winner of the auction for Saare 2.1 sea area […]
Race will begin to develop offshore assets in eastern part of Baltic Sea
The Estonian Wind Power Association believes that the government’s decision on Thursday to increase the superficies license area for the […]
Climate ministry planning changes to wind farm support scheme
Estonian Minister of Climate Kristen Michal (Reform) has put forward a plan, according to which there would be separate price […]
Estonian govt approves larger superficies rights area for Saare Wind Energy offshore farm
The Estonian government approved a motion at its Thursday sitting that will expand the area covered by a superficies license […]