1. 1. The non-profit association Estonian Wind Power Association (hereinafter EWPA) is located in Tallinn and is an independent non-profit organization of persons who have joined on a voluntary basis and which operates in the public interest.
  2. 2. The objective of the EWPA is to protect the interests of its members by being a strong, reliable and recognized professional association with a good internal and external network, which contributes to establishing a legislative environment that favours the development of wind power, raising awareness of and creating a positive public image of wind power, and developing and adapting technologies for the production, balancing and storage of wind power.
  3. 3. The main activities of the EWPA are:
    1. a. Representation and protection of the interests of its members and the creation of new opportunities both in Estonia and internationally.
    2. b. Development of cooperation and implementation of joint activities with Estonian and international companies, organizations and institutions to achieve the goals of the EWPA.
    3. c. Gathering, analysing, disseminating and providing information on the EWPA’s field of activity to its members and the public.
    4. d. Guiding and developing the qualifications and know-how of people working in the field, creating opportunities for retraining and on-going training.
    5. e. Supporting innovation and development in the sector based on the EWPA’s objective.
    6. f. Other activities necessary or useful for the members and in line with the objective of the EWPA as set out in these Statutes.
    7. g. The EWPA may, in accordance with the law, issue scholarships and carry out training activities.


  1. ETEA liikmeks vastuvõtmist võib taotleda iga eraõiguslik ja avalik- õiguslik juriidiline isik või tema organ, kelle avalduse vaatab läbi ning liikmelisuse otsustab ETEA juhatus kahe (2) kuu jooksul. Liikmeõigused ja kohustused tekivad pärast üldkoosoleku kehtestatud liikmemaksu tasumist.
  2. 5. The Management Board may establish different statuses outside the membership of the EWPA which are not subject to the rights and obligations of the members of the EWPA under the law and the Statutes, unless the Management Board decides wpml_nbspotherwise.
  3. 6. The Management Board may expel a member after giving a warning if they fail to pay the membership fee or damage the reputation of the sector and/or the EWPA.
  4. 7. In order to resign from the EWPA, a member shall submit an application to the Management Board, which shall be satisfied by the Management Board within two (2) months, if the member has paid their debts to the EWPA, including the current year’s membership fee.
  5. 8. Any additional rights and obligations of the members of the EWPA arise from the law, the Statutes and the resolutions of the general meeting.


  1. 9. The highest management body of the EWPA is the general meeting of members.
  2. 10. The general meeting is held at least once a year in the cases and pursuant to the procedure prescribed by law or as required. A notice to attend the general meeting is given at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance by e-mail. The general meeting has quorum regardless of the number of participants. 11. The general meeting of the EWPA has all the rights arising from law that have not been assigned to the Management Board by the Statutes. Resolutions of the general meeting are adopted pursuant to the procedure provided by law. The general meeting has quorum regardless of the number of participants.
  3. 11. The general meeting of the EWPA has all the rights arising from law that have not been assigned to the Management Board by the Statutes. Resolutions of the general meeting are adopted pursuant to the procedure provided by law.
  4. 12. The general meeting elects the Management Board from among the members of the EWPA. The Management Board includes three (3) to seven (7) members, the exact size of the Management Board is determined by the general meeting when electing each composition. At least 60% of the members of the Management Board must be members who represent members that produce and/or develop wind power and pay a higher megawatt-based membership fee in addition to the membership fee. The powers of the Management Board are valid for up to three (3) years.
  5. J13. The Management Board reports to the general meeting.
  6. 14. The competence of the Management Board includes:
    1. a. Approval of its own organization of work and election of a chairman from among its members who will organize the work of the Management Board
    2. b. Election and remuneration of the CEO of the EWPA, including establishment of other benefits and supervision of the activities of the CEO
    3. c. Designation of additional competencies and tasks of the CEO of the EWPA and restriction of their representation rights
    4. d. Approval of the EWPA’s annual budget and action plan prepared by the CEO of the EWPA
    5. e. Approval of the structure of the EWPA, including the establishment of working groups
    6. f. Admission and expulsion of members of the EWPA, including establishment of the conditions for admission of members
    7. g. Establishment and distribution of scholarships and grants by the EWPA
    8. h. Convening the general meeting of the EWPA, including determination of the agenda
    9. i. Approval of the EWPA membership fee and annual reports before the general meeting
    10. j. Appointment of an auditor/controller
  7. 15. The CEO manages the daily work of the EWPA, including representation of the organization.
  8. 16. The CEO is responsible for:
    1. a. Management and representation of the EWPA on a daily basis and insurance of compliance with the decisions of the General Meeting and the Board
    2. b. Collection of membership fees, keeping records of members and members of the Management Board
    3. c. Use and disposal of the EWPA’s fixed and current assets and other assets in accordance with the approved annual budget and the restrictions established by a decision of the Management Board
    4. d. Recruitment of staff of the EWPA and establishment of their salaries upon coordination with the Management Board
    5. e. Organizing the EWPA’s accounting in accordance with the requirements provided by law and preparation and submission of reports to the general meeting, the Management Board and the registrar in a timely manner
    6. f. In the cases and pursuant to the procedure provided by law, submission of applications and other required documents and information to the register
    7. g. Adopting other decisions within its competence to achieve the objectives of the EWPA


  1. 17. In all situations not provided by the Statutes, the provisions of law apply.
  2. 17. In all situations not provided by the Statutes, the provisions of law apply. The merger, division and liquidation of the EWPA shall take place pursuant to the procedure prescribed by law. Upon termination of the activities of the EWPA and after the satisfaction of all creditors’ claims and the deposit of money, the remaining assets shall be distributed in accordance with the decision of the general meeting.