Uniting companies, organisations and individuals interested in the potential of wind energy, the Estonian Wind Power Association (EWPA) was founded at the world’s leading wind energy fair, WindtechHusum – Markets of Tomorrow, held in Husum, Germany, on 21 September 2001.
EWPA’s founding members included four companies actively engaged in developing projects in the wind power industry: Tuuleenergia OÜ; Tuulepargid AS; SeeBA Energiesysteme GmbH and Ostwind Verwaltunggsgesellschaft mbH. Today, EWPA’s membership numbers 22, including both local and international organisations.
EWPA’s mission is to create conditions for the development of wind energy and its technology that ensure the competitiveness of wind energy and its developers and, as renewable energy is adopted for use more widely, the preservation of a clean living environment.
EWPA’s principal strategies include:
• participation in the development of legislation suitable for the development of wind energy;
• information exchange and public relations;
• overcoming barriers in the energy market to implement renewable energy;
• technological development of the generation, balancing and storage of wind energy;
• development of regulations and standards;
• mediating and sourcing know-how;
• development of the wind energy cluster.